Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR ALADDIN (Algorithm Design and Analysis for Implicitly and Incompletely Defined Interaction Networks; GANG and CEPAGE project-teams): the members of Cepage have been participating to the ANR project "blanc" (i.e. fundamental research) about the fundamental aspects of large interaction networks enabling massive distributed storage, efficient decentralized information retrieval, quick inter-user exchanges, and/or rapid information dissemination. The project is mostly oriented towards the design and analysis of algorithms for these (logical) networks, by taking into account proper ties inherent to the underlying infrastructures upon which they are built. The infrastructures and/or overlays considered in this project are selected from different contexts, including communication networks (from Internet to sensor networks), and societal networks (from the Web to P2P networks).

ANR USS-SIMGRID (Ultra Scalable Simulations with SimGrid; participants: AlGorille (LORIA, Nancy), ASAP (Saclay), CEPAGE, Univ. of Hawai'i, GRAAL (LIP, ENS Lyon), MESCAL (Grenoble), MASCOTTE (Sophia Antipolis)). The members of CEPAGE were part of this project (2008-2011), whose goal was to extend the SimGrid simulation framework, originally developed for HPC, to provide a reasonable and quantifiable level of accuracy for the simulation of large scale application. This allowed to attend both the rising need for scalability of the HPC community and the need for simulation accuracy of the distributed computing community. SimGrid was extended to provide a family of models which offer different levels of accuracy at different simulation scales.

ANR SONGS (Simulation of Next Generation Systems; participants: AlGorille (LORIA, Nancy), MESCAL (Grenoble), GRAAL (ENS Lyon), IN2P3 (Lyon), CEPAGE, HiePACS, RUNTIME (Bordeaux), LSIIT (Strasbourg), ASCOLA (Nantes), MASCOTTE, MODALIS (Sophia Antipolis)). This project started in 2012 as a follow-up of the USS-SIMGRID project. The aim is to further extend the domain of SimGrid, by designing a unified simulation framework for the four application domains: Grids, Peer-to-Peer systems, High Performance Computing, and Cloud systems. Achieving this goal mandates careful representation and modeling of the underlying concepts presented by each domain (memory, disks, energy, network and volatility) and of the interfaces specific to each domain. It also requires a transversal work on the simulation framework itself. CEPAGE is actively involved in this project, both for the peer-to-peer use cases and for the coordination of the modeling effort of the project.

ANR Displexity (Calcul DIStribué: calculabilité et comPLEXITé; participants: CEPAGE, GANG and ASAP projects). The main goal of DISPLEXITY is to establish the scientific foundations of a theory of calculability and complexity for distributed computing. Displexity started in 2012.

ANR IDEA ANR program “defis”: project IDEA (2009-2012). The goal of this ANR is the study of identifying codes in evolving graphs. Ralf Klasing is the overall leader of the project.

ANR “Jeunes chercheurs” EGOS - Embedded Graphs and their Oriented Structures (2012-2014) (see http://www.lirmm.fr/egos/ )

Participants: CEPAGE/LaBRI(Bordeaux) LIRMM(Montpellier), LIX(Palaiseau) The goal of this project is the study oriented structures on graphs of arbitrary genus.

AMADEUS (CNRS funding on “BIG DATA”: 2012- ): Analysis of MAssive Data in Earth and Universe Sciences. This a multidisciplinary research project between computer science teams (LIRMM: University of Montpellier, LIF: University of Marseille) and CEPAGE), earth and climate science (CEREGE: Montpellier and IRD: Aix) and astronomy (LAM: University of Marseille). The aim of the project is to propose effective techniques for mining large data by essentially using distributed computing, visualization, summarization and approximation.